Building Information System PRESIDENT OF THE COMMISSION Blaise Sola – ARTELIA The Building Information System Committee will be challenged to work on the urbanization of the building information system.This will involve bringing together all the actors...
Safe Building PRESIDENT AND CO-PRESIDENT OF THE COMMISSION Ariane Truffert – TWO-I and Dominique Legrand – AN2V This new committee’s purpose is to spread the word to as many people as possible that the development of the Smart City and Smart...
Think Tank WorkToo La SBA intègre le do-think-tank WorkToo sur les enjeux de la transition sur le monde du travail Forts d’une vision transversale et prospective commune sur les enjeux de la transition numérique et énergétique WorkToo et la Smart Buildings Alliance...
Protocols and Networks CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE: Dan Napar Siemens – Christophe Guyard Delta Dore Establish an initial mapping of the main existing networks and protocols with their main scopes used in the buildings. Devise options for future change to...
The user’s role in value creation (jointly led by Grand-Est) CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE: Stéphane Saidani – GIZMO Contact the Committee Chairman Username Password Forgot your password? Login Not yet a member? Join...
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